Published: Dec 30, 2022
Mathematical thinking infancy education structured play-based activities
Dr. Pavlina Petrou
Dr. Areti Panaoura

The present study is part of a research project that aims to investigate the possible impact of formal and non-formal teaching processes through play on the development of mathematical thinking at the ages of infancy (11 months-2 years). It focuses on the vital role of the structured play-based activities which can be used at nursery education. Qualitative data were collected through the use of infants’ observations at the nursery school place and the individual achievement portfolios which were used by the nursery teachers. As part of the project play-based activities in mathematics were designed and implemented at a specific nursery school at Cyprus. Through the presentation of teaching examples and infants’ behavior we discuss the significant role of the structured play in the development of mathematical thinking and the use of appropriate didactic play-based teaching processes.

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