Exploring kindergarten teachers’ perceptions of parents' expectations about literacy at kindergarten

Published: Dec 1, 2021
Literacy Kindergarten teachers' perceptions Parents' expectations
Chrysoula Tsirmpa
Nektarios Stellakis

This study is part of a broader survey conducted in the 13 state kindergartens of the city of Pyrgos, during the school year 2017-2018 and describes the perceptions of kindergarten teachers about the expectations of parents from kindergarten, regarding literacy. 29 kindergarten teachers, working at the respective kindergartens, took part in the survey and data was collected through semi-structured interviews. According to the results, the majority of kindergarten teachers believe that all parents, but with a different intensity, expect children to learn to write and, if possible, to read, before they start Primary School (PS). The variations observed among parents' expectations are mainly related to the educational level of parents. Parents with a higher educational level consider that they play an important role in children’s education, spend time with children, understand the role of kindergarten and collaborate more with kindergarten teachers, while parents with a lower educational level consider that school is responsible for teaching children, they are not particularly aware of the role of the kindergarten and they would like for children to know how to read and write so that they are ready for the PS. The results show that it is necessary to inform parents about the role of kindergarten and the way one becomes literate, in order to bridge the gap between children with diverse backgrounds and build the best possible cooperation between parents and teachers, for the benefit of children.

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