Promoting resilience in kindergarten. Teachers’ beliefs and reported practices.

Published: Dec 1, 2021
Resilience Kindergarten Kindergarten teachers Perceptions Practices Relationships
Vasiliki Hatziioannidou
Efthymia Penderi

In this ever-changing era, kindergarten seems to be the appropriate context for building resilience in children. Kindergarten teachers play a key role in this direction, through their daily interaction with children in the classroom and through the programs and activities they plan and implement. The research we conducted aims to study in depth kindergarten teachers’ reported actions and strategies to promote the resilience of children in their classrooms, focusing on the issue of positive interactions. The practices they report that they follow daily in their classrooms also highlight the way they perceive the issue of promoting resilience in kindergarten in general. Fifteen kindergarten teachers working in public kindergartens in Northern Greece participated. In our qualitative survey, data was gathered using semi-structured interviews. The content analysis followed showed that, according to the kindergarten teachers, in order to promote resilience in the kindergarten the development of positive relationships and cooperation between all those involved in the school unit is of particular importance. They particularly stressed on practices for developing positive personal relationships between the kindergarten teacher and children but also amongst children, practices for meaningful interpersonal supportive relationships between colleagues and management, and practices for quality family-school interaction. This was actually the factor that teachers referred to as the most crucial for the development of all other relationships.

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