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Primary Education Teachers’ Online Training program “Digital Literacy in Audiovisual Media on Internet Learning Environments”: Outcomes and Proposals by the Pilot Implementation

Published: Sep 4, 2019
Digital literacy Audiovisual Media Internet Learning Environment Distance Learning
Sofia Theodor Papadimitriou
Alivisos Sofos
The challenges and the potential offered by the modern digital environment require a methodical approach to digital literacy even from the primary education. Online Learning Environments familiarize young people with digital media and contribute to the development of digital literacies. Focusing on Audiovisual Media brings changes in teaching by involving students in rich interactive learning experiences and turning them from passive consumers to active participants. A prerequisite is that teachers are familiar with ways to use Audiovisual Media as an environment of active learning. The "Digital Literacy in Audiovisual Media on Internet Learning Environments" program of the Aegean University was implemented in the autumn of 2018 using the Distance Learning method and aimed at supporting digital literacy in the Audiovisual Media of primary education teachers. The article presents the design, development and also the results of the pilot implementation of the training program. In addition, it highlights the teachers’ concerns, suggestions and conclusions aiming at the creation of authentic learning environments focusing on Audiovisual Media in the modern school. Digital Media and in particular the Audiovisual (A/V) Media have penetrated into the daily life of pupils inside and outside school, offering opportunities for discovery, participation and creative production in the framework of digital literacy actions. A key role among these actions, has the use and creation of video at school, which encourages search and access to resources, fosters critical thinking and supports creative production, contributing to digital literacy in A/V Media as recorded and proposed in the recommendations of the European Commission (EC, 2007; EC, 2010) and Unesco (2011). In digital literacy actions, students work with enthusiasm in authentic learning environments, and they also benefit from teamwork, creativity and social interaction. The article approaches an introduction for traditional and digital A/V Media through digital technologies in production and access issues as integral parts of daily life of students. Then it presents the use of A/V Media in the classroom and also in online learning environments with various methodologies. The following sections develop the research framework, the design, the development of the training program and the outcomes of its pilot implementation. In conclusion, the article highlights findings, concerns and proposals to support digital literacy in A/V Media in the modern school and also the formation of a teaching framework responsive to the challenges of the digital era and new Media
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