Intention to Quit Smoking among Greek Police Officers. The role of the Theory of Planned Behavior, dependence and self-efficacy

Published: Dec 30, 2022
Theory of Planned Behavior smoking cessation self-efficacy nicotine depedence
George Koulierakis
Christina Bakola
Elena Zagorianakou

The aim of this study was to investigate the intention to quit smoking among Greek practicing police officers through the Theory of Planned Behaviour. 150 subjects aged 21-58 years participated. Four self-administered scales were used: (a) a questionnaire on demographic characteristics, (b) the Fagerström Tolerance Questionnaire, (c) the MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status and (d) a scale of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. It was found that 33,3% of police officers were smoking more than 20 years and 42% had attempted to quit smoking twice or more. Results showed moderate to high dependence and self-perception of addiction for the majority of police officers (72,6% and 68,7%, respectively). The inter-correlations between the factors of the Theory of Planned Behaviour and self-efficacy, were high. Regression analysis demonstrated perceived behavioural control (β = 0,53, p < 0,0001), self-efficacy (β = 0,34, p < 0,0001) and previous quit attempts (β = 0,22, p < 0,0001), as the strongest predictors of intention to quit smoking, followed by the period during which a person smokes daily (β = 0,18, p < 0,05) and attitudes towards quitting smoking (β = 0,14, p < 0,05). Given that the habit of smoking is influenced , by psychological (beliefs, emotions) and social factors (social pressure, patterns), it is imperative that smokers police officers are motivated to quit smoking through theory-based interventions within established smoking cessation clinics.

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Author Biographies
George Koulierakis, University of West Attica

Τμήμα Πολιτικών Δημόσιας Υγείας

Αναπληρωτής Καθηγητής


Christina Bakola, Hellenic Police

Κεντρικό Ιατρειο Αθηνών

Elena Zagorianakou, University of West Attica

Τμήμα Κοινωνικής Εργασίας

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