Vol. 11 No. 3 (2004)
Affective and cognitive effects on action control
Γεωργία Παπαντωνίου, Αναστασία Ευκλείδη
Scene effect on object recognition: How is it explained?
Αικατερίνη Σουσαμίδου-Καραμπέρη, Λοίζος Ν. Λοΐζου
Contributions of phonological short-term memory to vocabulary acquisition
Ελβίρα Μασούρα, Susan E. Gathercole, Ζωή Μπαμπλέκου
Development of a questionnaire to measure physical education teachers' representations on instruction
Marina I. Salvara, Edit N. Biro
Affect perception as a cognitive function: Validity and clinical application of a neuropsychological test battery in healthy individuals and patients with brain lesions
Καλλιόπη Χίου, Αργυρώ Βάγια, Ελένη Χαριτίδου, Δημήτρης Καρακώστας, Μαρία-Ελένη Κοσμίδου
Factor analysis for the Hellenic WISC-III: Domains of cognitive development
Νικόλαος Δ. Γιαννίτσας, Κωνσταντίνος Μυλωνάς