Vol. 24 No. 2 (2019)
Social constructions of ideology: Young people discuss about the political “crises” of the Greek state
Μαρτίνα Σουρβίνου, Λία Φίγγου
Talking about social change: A socio-psychological thematic analysis of citizens’ interviews in Greece
Dionysia Koutsi, Aphrodite Baka
Who is the “WE” that could include immigrants? Different aspects of common ingroups and intergroup competition
Xenia Chryssochoou, Ioannis Anagnostou
From Political Interest to Participation in EU-related Actions: The Mediating Role of European Identity and Political Efficacy
Vassilis Pavlopoulos, Dimitra Kostoglou, Frosso Motti-Stefanidi
«There is no alternative (TINA)»: The role of media framing and social psychological processes in predicting collective action in times of crisis.
Αντώνης Γαρδικιώτης, Νικολέττα Αλεξανδρή, Απόστολος Αποστολίδης