«There is no alternative (TINA)»: The role of media framing and social psychological processes in predicting collective action in times of crisis.

Published: Dec 15, 2019
Collective action collective efficacy perceived injustice politicized identity media framing reactance
Αντώνης Γαρδικιώτης
Νικολέττα Αλεξανδρή
Απόστολος Αποστολίδης

The study examines the variables that predict collective action in the context of the deep socioeconomic crisis that hit Europe and especially Greece during the last years. It focuses on the influence of the framing of the economic situation by the mass media on people’s perceptions and intention to resume political action. Social psychological theories of
collective action and the theory of framing are employed as the theoretical context of the study. Three different frames used in public discourse and in the media to describe and explain the economic situation are presented to the participants and the degree to which these frames interact with social psychological processes to
predict political behavior is investigated. The predictors of collective action that are examined are: psychological reactance (as a composite of negative thoughts and emotions) towards media frames, politicized identity, national identity, perceived injustice, collective efficacy, and political self-identification. Results confirm the importance of social psychological processes as well as of media framing on people’s perceptions and intention to resume collective action.

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