Studying Historical Represenatation in the cinema: tools and concepts
The study of historical representation in the cinema has engaged a significant number of researchers both in the field of historical studies and that of film theory. Although the number of historical films is constantly increasing, while also expanding the influence of cinema on the formation of collective memory, the tools for understanding audiovisual history remain limited. In this essay, I will try to fill this gap by summarizing a part of my own thesis, as I presented it in the book History and Film: A Tale of Two Disciplines (2018). In particular, I will focus on the intermittent dialogue between historians and film theorists, highlighting the main issues that stood in the way of the substantial convergence of the two fields. Next, I will attempt to pair them, combining the poetics of history from Hayden White’s work with the historical poetics of David Bordwell.
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Θανούλη Ε. (2022). Studying Historical Represenatation in the cinema: tools and concepts. Theater Polis. An Interdisciplinary Journal for Theatre and the Arts, 25–37.
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