The Greek Film Production: 1942-1972
In the context of our doctoral dissertation, we will present a brief version of the context of the production of Greek cinema in the period 1942-1972. It is a crucial historical period when the mass production of Greek films is growing rapidly, while the viewers reach mulmultiple millions at the box office. At the same time, the suffocating institutional framework of censorship (and self-censorship as a consequence) restricts expression. Our analysis approaches cinema as a whole in the light of the socio-economic theory of Fordism, post-Fordism, the sociological perspective of Peterson’s production of culture (1979, 1982) and the change in the approach of culture of production recommended by Caldwell (2006,2008) and production studies, but also Becker’s Art Worlds (1982/2008). We will briefly and indicatively focus on areas such as the institutional framework, corporate structures, the production process, etc., which will allow us an overview of the Greek cinema of the historical period we are examining, widely known as the Old Greek Cinema.
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Ξένος Χ. (2022). The Greek Film Production: 1942-1972. Theater Polis. An Interdisciplinary Journal for Theatre and the Arts, 203–219.
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