From Alternative Facts to Tentative Truths: Towards a Post-postmodern Dialogic Epistemology

Chad Hoggan
Tetyana Hoggan-Kloubert
Drawing attention to today’s epistemic crisis, this article seeks to reflect on the role of adult education in addressing this crisis and thereby fostering our democracies. We argue for the need of developing a new shared epistemic basis, a post-postmodern dialogic epistemology. This article presents three core components for this:  (1) universalism and particularism, (2) embracing epistemic humility, and (3) seeking for dialogue and the public use of reason. Starting with recognizing the value of postmodern critiques on the Enlightenment ideas of rational thinking and its practices of rigid categorizations, we update key concepts of Enlightenment thinking, such as the power of judgment, human epistemic fallibility, and public reasoning. The modern value of the Enlightenment lies for us predominantly in the democratic educational project that it started.  In this light, we see adult education as a (public) space dedicated to developing epistemic responsibility.
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Biografia autore
Chad Hoggan, North Carolina State University
University of Augsburg
Riferimenti bibliografici
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