Experience and technological subversiveness in analogue and digital urban environments

Published: Sep 16, 2024
Philosophy of Technology Digitality Smart Cities Andrew Feenberg Juhani Pallasmaa
Giannis Perperidis

The article draws on Andrew Feenberg’s critical theory of technology in order to approach the technical features of the smart cities’ urban designs and examine their social and political implications. While examining the essence of experience lived within such cities, the article It turns to the phenomenological architecture of Juhani Pallasmaa whose work focuses upon a kind of personal experience that not only tends to disappear from modern technological world, but moreover that is led to extinction through mechanisms and technosystems like the smart cities. Though the reconciliation between Feenberg and Pallasmaa this article attempts to designate the meaning of human experience which is being incorporated in today’s (and future’s) technical designs. The main aim of the article is on the one hand to show the boundaries of the urban experience of today’s individuals, while on the other hand to present alternative architecture methods that may lead to reshaping humans’ lived reality along with political and social aspects of current modern world.

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