Artistic production in centres and the periphery of the Byzantine Peloponnese. Aspects of monumental painting in the late palaiologan period.

Published: Oct 25, 2016
Late Palaiologan period monumental painting Peloponnese Mystras Principality of Achaia.
Nektarios ZARRAS
The study examines monumental painting from Mystras (Evangelistria) and the periphery of the Despotate of the Morea (St. George at Nikandri, St. George at Molaoi, Pantanassa at Geroumana, St. Paraskevē at Platsa), which is dated to the late fourteenth and the early fifteenth century and was either influenced directly by the important monuments of Mystras or developed in the sphere of influence of other centres in the Despotate. Presented from the Principality of Achaia are wall paintings from the old monastery of the Taxiarchs in Aigialeia, an outstanding example of Constantinopolitan painting in the periphery of the Empire.
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