Rituels et jeux du cirque ? À propos d’un bas-relief du musée archéologique de Sofia

Published: Oct 25, 2016
Late Antiquity protobyzantine period 4th century sculpture rituel venationes hunting scenes deity Cybele Bulgaria Serdica Sofia.
On a carved slab preserved in the Archaeological Museum in Sofia, several scenes of fights between men and wild animals or venationes, a well known show which took place in Roman amphitheatres, are depicted. Other scenes carved on this relief are more difficult to understand. Do they reflect a ritual? If so, what kind of ritual and in honor of which deity? The iconography of this relief and the archaeo-historical evidences are analyzed in order to reconstruct the events depicted on this slab which probably took place in the amphitheatre of Serdica during the 4th century and seem to explicate the imagery of this slab.
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