Some observations and questions regarding early byzantine architecture in Thessaloniki: the octagon near the Golden Gate and the episcopal basilica

Published: Jan 27, 2023
Early Byzantine period Byzantine architecture Octagon by the Golden Gate five-aisled basilica Thessaloniki
Κωνσταντίνος Θ. ΡΑΠΤΗΣ (Konstantinos T. RAPTIS)

The paper presents some observations and questions about the architectural design of two important monuments of Early Byzantine ecclesiastical architecture in Thessaloniki: (a) the Octagon in the area of the Golden Gate, which seems to be an unicum in the framework of Early Byzantine architecture, and (b) the emblematic five-aisled Episcopal basilica of the city –underneath the cross-domed church of Hagia Sophia– which, being the largest Early Byzantine church of the city, radically changed the Christian topography of Thessaloniki.

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