Gazing beyond earthly reality: A reconsideration of the wall paintings at asketario on the island of Chalki, Dodecanese

Published: Jan 27, 2023
7th-8th century 9th-10th century mural paintings Coptic art iconography Saint Faustus Saint Kerykos Dodecanese Chalki Alexandria
Angeliki KATSIOTI (Αγγελική ΚΑΤΣΙΩΤΗ)

In this paper are revisited the wall paintings of the Asketario at Kellia on the island of Chalki, Dodecanese, through the presentation of new evidence. Notably, in the scene of the cavity of the rock formed as apse, the presence of Saints Faustus and Kerykos with Christ Emmanuel flanked by archangels reveals possible ties with the Coptic art of Alexandria. Similarities with Coptic art, combined with the historical background, point to a date in the second half of the 7th – beginning of the 8th century and suggest that certain hermits, maybe and the painter, came from Egypt.

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