Depictions of Saint Leon of Methoni: The development of a saint’s cult in late Byzantine Peloponnese and in Venetian Crete

Published: Jan 27, 2023
Late Byzantine period Venetian rule wall paintings St Leo of Methoni Nicholas bishop of Methoni Calabria Methoni Messenia western Crete
Μιχάλης ΚΑΠΠΑΣ (Michalis KAPPAS)

This paper explores twelve unknown depictions of St Leo of Methoni in the painted decoration of three churches in the Peloponnese and of nine monuments in western Crete, all dated between the late 13th and the first decades of the 15th centuries. Apart from the analysis of the iconographic features of the saint under discussion, our analysis investigates the reasons that led to the development of Leo’s cult in Crete, as well as the symbolic role that the Saint may have embodied among Orthodox populations under Venetian rule.

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