A two-sided Novgorodian icon “Our Lady of the Sign and martyr Juliana” of the first third of the 13th century: aspects of the iconographic programme

Published: Jan 27, 2023
13th century early Russian painting two-sided icons Our Lady of the Sign Virgin Blachernitissa St Juliana the martyr Anthony, archbishop of Novgorod Novgorod

A two-sided icon, now in the Tretyakov Gallery, depicting the Virgin of the Sign (Blachernitissa) and St Juliana, with the representations of saint women on the margins is examined on iconographic and historical grounds. The model for the image of the Mother of God could have been the icon venerated in the Constantinopolitan church of Blachernae. It was probably commissioned by the archbishop of Novgorod Anthony, who had visited Constantinople. In 1218 he built a stone church in the convent of Saint Barbara, for which this icon was presumably intended.

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