From Cyprus to Kimolos. An icon with a Deesis with Christ flanked by Saints Andronikos and Athanasia

The Kimolos icon with Christ Pantocrator flanked by Saints Andronikos and Athanasia (a variation of the Deesis) is the first known icon with this subject. The iconographic and stylistic characteristics of the composition reveal that it is a high quality work –from around 1400– by an atelier in Cyprus, the painters of which came from Constantinople. It is probably a votive icon offered, on the occasion of an epidemic or drought, to a so far unknown pilgrimage center of the two Saints in Cyprus, where they are especially venerated. Its transfer to Kimolos is linked to the refugee movement of Cypriots that followed the Turkish conquest of the Megalonisos (1571) and to the new economic conditions that prevailed in the Aegean towards the end of the 16th century and lead to the foundation of the fortified settlement of Kimolos.
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ΔΗΛΕ (Nancy DILE) Ν. (2023). From Cyprus to Kimolos. An icon with a Deesis with Christ flanked by Saints Andronikos and Athanasia . Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, 42, 277–302.
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