The church of the Holy Apostles in the Ancient Agora of Athens and its models

Published: Jul 15, 2023
Middle Byzantine period Byzantine architecture Armenian architecture Georgian architecture Polyconch churches Constantinopolitan influences Byzantine missionaries Byzantine churches in Athens Holy Apostles in the Ancient Agora of Athens Athens
Νικόλαος ΓΚΙΟΛΕΣ (Nikolaos GKIOLES)

The church of the Holy Apostles in the Ancient Agora of Athens (ca. 1000) combines the elements of the centralized plan, a tetraconch with smaller corner niches between the projecting larger ones and a four-column cross-in-square core. The earliest application of experimentation with four projecting niches in a cross-in-square type church can be traced to the architecture of Armenia. Other architectural features of the building appear also in Armenia and Georgia. Armenian architectural elements, such as the octaconch central bay and the cross-in-square with four projecting niches may have reached Constantinople and its environs. This peculiar Athenian church can possibly be attributed to Constantinopolitan influence.

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