Epigraphic testimony about the painters of the Protaton church. A preliminary palaeographic approach

During the course of conservation work on the wall paintings in the Protaton church in Karyes on Mount Athos, an inscription was found that preserves few letters that form part of the name “Eutychios” and allows to attribute the wall paintings of Protaton to the atelier of Michael Astrapas and Eutychios from Thessalonica. The contribution of one or both artists to the decoration of the cathedral church of Protaton constitutes the aim of the present article, using as a key the palaeographic examination of the inscriptions of Protaton in comparison to those of both painters on other ensembles commissioned by the Serbian king Milutin.
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ΝΑΣΤΟΥ (Andromachi G. NASTOU) Α. . Γ. (2023). Epigraphic testimony about the painters of the Protaton church. A preliminary palaeographic approach. Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, 43, 295–308. https://doi.org/10.12681/dchae.34392
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