A middle Byzantine sword from Corinth

Ιn 2014, in a plot of land in Ancient Corinth, excavations by the local Ephorate of Antiquities brought to light a sword. It is an iron sword with a bronze cross-guard and pommel, and may be dated, on the basis of the excavation data and of comparisons with relevant parallels, to the second half of the 9th century AD. Judging from its decoration, it could be attributed to an imperial weapon smithy. This sword constitutes one of the most important finds of Byzantine Corinth, since the discovery of such objects is extremely rare.
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ATHANASOULIS (Δημήτριος ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΥΛΗΣ) D., & MANOLESSOU (Ελένη ΜΑΝΩΛΕΣΣΟΥ) E. (2023). A middle Byzantine sword from Corinth. Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, 43, 357–370. https://doi.org/10.12681/dchae.34399
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