Τhe Gospel Lectionary of the Sacristy of the monastery of Μegiste Lavra at Μount Αthos, the so-called “Phocas codex”, and the codex Αthos, Lavra Α 86

In this article we study the so-called «Phocas Codex» in the sacristy of the Lavra Μonastery on Μount Αthos and its binding. Τhe manuscript dates to the late 11th – early 12th century, but according to the monastery’s oral tradition, it is considered a gift of emperor Νicephoros II Phocas (963-969). In addition, it has been found that the binding is not integrally bound to the body of the manuscript. Τhe study arrives at a fairly certain conclusion that the binding, dating to the 10th and not the 11th-12th century, must be associated with the manuscript Αthos, Lavra Α 86, also of the 10th century, the codicological data of which are all consistent with the thesis that it was an imperial gift.
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ΛΙΤΣΑΣ (Efthymios Κ. LITSAS) Ε. Κ. (2023). Τhe Gospel Lectionary of the Sacristy of the monastery of Μegiste Lavra at Μount Αthos, the so-called “Phocas codex”, and the codex Αthos, Lavra Α 86. Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, 43, 381–390. https://doi.org/10.12681/dchae.34402
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