A Cretan triptych with scenes of the Dodecaorton

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Post-Byzantine period second half of the 16th century Cretan workshop private collection Athens

A triptych part of a private collection in Athens is decorated with scenes of the Great Feast cycle of the Dodekaorton. The triptych stands out for its wood carved frame and pinecone ornament on the top, which is of fine quality. The five scenes chosen for the decoration of the triptych are the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Hypapante, the Baptism and the Transfiguration. Their iconographic analysis showcases that they follow the Palaiologan patterns as it had been crystallized by the Cretan workshops of the 15th century. However, in terms of style, the triptych suggests a dating in the second half of the 16th century and is probably the work of a talented artist from a Cretan workshop.

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