Two eighteenth-century icons in the collection at Aiani in the Kozani region. A contribution to the work of the painter Panos or Panayotis from Ioannina

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Post-Byzantine period Macedonia Aiani painting portable icons painters Panos Panagiotis

The main objective of the present paper is the study of two 18th-century icons from the Collection of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Antiquities in Aiani, Kozani, one with Sts. Constantine and Helen and the other with the Baptism. These icons bear the signature of the artist who painted them and at the same time pose the question of the possible identification of the two painters known in research as Panos and Panagiotis from Ioannina. Examining the iconography and the style of the icons, in combination with the results of older research, we come to the conclusion that the two painters from Ioannina are in fact one and the same person.

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