Métanoia: La personne, le sentiment et le geste

Metanoia (Repentance): The person, the sentiment, and the figure”
The repentance of David (f.136v), in the miniatures of Paris. Gr. 139, offers the visual reference for the exploration of the personification of Metanoia in similar representations of the same biblical story. Parallel to that the symbolic nuances of Metanoia are encountered in the worshipping (proskynesis) by the emperor in the mosaic panel over the Imperial Doors of Saint Sophia at Constantinople, which seems to recompose the iconographic scheme in terms of meaning and sentiment. The repetition of the same posture by monks in the Chludov Psalter gives, alternatively, the meaning of prayer, while the gesture itself captures, with a variety of expressions, the meaning of the eschatological despair or remorse.
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ANTONOPOULOS, Élias. (2011). Métanoia: La personne, le sentiment et le geste. Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, 23, 11–30. https://doi.org/10.12681/dchae.340
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