Pilgrimages and the "palestinian" iconography. Reconsideration of the research

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Early Christian period Palestinian iconography itinerary texts monumental art iconography eulogies Holy Lands Palestine

The article discusses, in brief, the overview of the issues around the pilgrimage to the Holy Land and its souvenirs. The origins of the monumental art and the development of the “Palestinian” iconography are discussed through the historical sources and the itineraries of the pilgrims. Special mention is being made to the problems of monumental art and iconography and to the theories that developed by the scholarly research to resolve the widespread dissemination that that iconographic themes enjoyed both in the East and the West. Finally, the eulogies themselves are being assessed as they were considered as the most powerful images, which could be used for healing, and at the same time, they were the agents that kept the "Palestinian" iconography unchanged.



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