L'évangéliaire n° 49 du monastère de Kykkos à Chypre. Notes préliminaires

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Middle Byzantine period gospel book script the monk Neophytos monastery of Kykkos Cyprus

The Gospel Book n. 49 of the Monastery of Kykkos at Cyprus. Preliminary Notes. 

The Gospel Book n. 49 of the monastery of Kykkos-Cyprus is among the most ancient manuscripts in its collection. The scope of its reexamination is to establish a firmer dating for it. The codicological analysis, the mixed configuration of the quires, the double cuttings, the coexistence of contemporary and complex systems of cuttings, the decoration and the format of the script showcase that its scribe the monk Neophytos was familiar with the format and script style of the monk Gerasimos, known from a dated manuscript of the monastery of Saint Sabba 295 (1089/90). Furthermore, the same Neophytos had also copied another manuscript, the Paris. Gr. 1215 which has been dated in 1080. In conclusion, the manuscript under examination can be placed at the end of 11th/beginning of 12th century.


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