The redating of the church of the Panaghia Katholike at Gastouni

The church of the Virgin Katholiki at Gastouni is a monument that had been dated at the end of the 12th century by the previous scholarly research. However, the recent discovery in the fresco layer of the 18th century of a written inscription on the cylinder of the apse is believed to reproduce the original one since it mentions as its donors the brothers Kalligopouloi and as the date of the foundation the year 1278/9. This discovery leads to a re-evaluation of the architectural and archaeological data related to the building. Furthermore, under this light, the inscription on the lintel on the west entrance is being contextualized since it corroborates the inscription of the apse. It is concluded, hence, that the elite family of the Kalligopouloi retained their status and privileges after 1205 with their submission to the Latins.
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ΑΘΑΝΑΣΟΥΛΗΣ Δ. (2011). The redating of the church of the Panaghia Katholike at Gastouni. Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, 24, 63–78.
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