Ancient Epidauros Limera as a venetian fort in the state archive of Venice

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Ottoman period 17th century Giacomo Corner Leonardo Mauro siege of Monemvasia Epidauros Limera Peloponnese

After the occupation of the Peloponnese had been completed by the Venetians the only part still in the hands of the Turks was the Rock of Monemvasia. The General Provveditor di Morea Giacomo Corner in his reports to the Doge Morosini and the Senate mentioned analytically the situation during the years 1688 and 1689. The construction of several forts in different places was among the solutions proposed for the occupation of Monemvasia; one of those included the transformation of the ancient city walls of the nearby ruined Epidauros Limera to a fort capable to resist counteroffensive Turkish attacks in the case of a siege of Monemvasia. Although that proposal was never materialized the designs made by the engineer Leonardo Mauro show how the Venetian officials appropriated the ruins of the past.


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