The icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy in the British Museum. Persons and texts

Published: Jul 6, 2011
Late Byzantine period Triumph of Orthodoxy iconography De Theophili imperatoris absolution British Museum London

The portable icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy at the British Museum is among the most important Byzantine artworks that came to the scholarly fore quite recently. The icon, dated approximately around 1400, is the only work of the Late Byzantine period with this subject matter. Through the quest for the identity of the persons depicted and the detection of its probable textual background, presumably the work De Theophili imperatoris absolutione, it is being suggested a tighter dating for the production of the icon, i.e. the year 1437 right before the depart for the Council of Ferrara-Florence in order to promote a specific ideological context that of Church and State unity.


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