The anonymity of a prominent woman in eighteenth-century Cyprus

This short study explores two different kinds of testimonies, one pictorial and one archival, both of which delineate the 18th-century societal structure of Cyprus. The pictorial testimony comes from the church of Saint George at Arpera which depicts the dragoman of Cyprus at the time Constantine Christophakis with his large family. However, from the dedicatory inscription his wife's name is missing. The archival one is the letter that the latter's widow addresses to the Consul of Ragusa regarding her spouse's financial transactions where she signs as ‘the miserable wife". These two testimonies shed light on the marginal position that women held within the rigid social hierarchy of Cyprus during the mid 18th century.
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ΚΙΤΡΟΜΗΛΙΔΗΣ Π. Μ. (2011). The anonymity of a prominent woman in eighteenth-century Cyprus. Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society, 27, 511–516.
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