Contribution à la chronique de la construction du catholicon de nea moni de chios. Nouveaux éléments

Published: Nov 23, 2011
Middle Byzantine period North Aegean Chios architecture church building

In the course of restoration works (2003-2008) in the Nea Moni, new evidence was brought to light on the construction (perforating zones of bricks, arches with alternating brick and poros voussoirs), the facades of the original phase of the church (smooth pink pointing and thin coats of plaster scored with lines), on the building history of the monument, in which three Byzantine phases, two Post-Byzantine and one after the 1881 earthquake are distinguished. Specifically, the original form of the exonarthex was identified, which was added to the church as an open porch (prostoon) with large arches of mixed construction, resting on marble columns in the place of the later conches.


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