Ο εικονογραφικός τύπος του δεμένου σε δέντρο κριού στην παράσταση της θυσίας του Αβραάμ κατά τους παλαιοχριστιανικούς χρόνους

Published: Nov 23, 2011
Early Christian period France Spain Constantinople iconography of Early Christian sarcophagi iconographic motif of a ram tied to a tree
Ελισάβετ ΠΑΝΕΛΗ

This article brings out representations, mainly of the Early Christian period, with the iconographic motif of the ram tied to a tree. This appears usually on sarcophagi in the Roman provinces (e.g. Gaul, Hispania) and in one case on a sarcophagus in Constantinople, as well as on mosaic pavements in Jewish synagogues. Since the motif is not encountered on sarcophagi in Rome and there is no mention of a ram tied to a tree in the Old Testament passage, it is possible that it is due to the influence of homilies by the Church Fathers, in which an attempt is made also to interpret it.

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