Iconographic Variation in a Tenth-century Evangelion

Published: Nov 23, 2011
10th century Sinai manuscript illumination iconography

Sinai gr.204 is awell-known Byzantine manuscript databletoc. 1000C.E. Among its miniatures, two stand out as unusual-the portrait of the Virgin with a scroll, and the unidentified hermit Peter. The Virgin seems to be copied from an image of the Hodegetria, with the infant Christ replaced by a scroll held in her awkwardly rendered left hand. The artist may have felt this invention necessary due to a portrait of Christ on the preceding folio. The portrait of the monastic Peter is differentiated from the others by the flat, almost monochromatic rendering; perhaps the style was inspired by portraits of deceased saints in menologia to underscore his status as a local, modern ascetic as opposed to the evangelists, Christ and the Virgin.

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