Saint Nicholas at Kampinari, Platsa in Mani. Remarks about the sculptural decoration of the altar & Screen

Published: Mar 10, 2014
Middle Byzantine period Peloponnese – Messenia Sculpture Architectural sculptures Altar-screens

The church of St Nicholas at Kampinari of Platsa in Mani has been dated to the 9th, 10th and 12th centuries. Renovations were made to the church in the 14th c., the period to which most of its wall paintings belong. The altar-screen sculptures of the three aisles, coming from at least two altar-screens, are dated to the 11th and 12th c. and were placed in the church between the 15th and 16th c. Except for the two central parts of the epistyle of the side aisles, which appear to form one epistyle coming from an older phase of the monument, the rest probably come from older buildings in the region.

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