The katholikon of the monastery of the Prophet Elijah at Georgoutsates , Dropolis in Nothern Epirus (1585/6): The wall paintings and the painter Nikephoros, one of the last repre sentatives of the cretan school

Published: Feb 3, 2016
PostByzantine period 16th century wall paintings painter Nikephoros Cretan School Northern Epirus South Albania Dropull monastery of the Prophet Elijah at Georgutsat monastery of the Dormition of the Virgin at Drianos

The wall paintings of the main nave of the katholikon of the monastery of the Prophet Elijah at Georgoutsates, Dropolis (Georgutsat, Dropull) (1585/6) were executed “by the hand of the monk Nikephoros.” The greater part of the decoration of the monasteries of Dryano (Drianos) and Douviani (Dhuvjan) is attributed to his workshop as well. Nikephoros followed the iconographic and expressive preferences of the Cretan School; consequently, we should consider him to be one of its last representatives who probably apprenticed from a young age in Cretan workshops, especially those of Meteora.

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