The perceived role of teachers in promoting the mental health of primary school students: Seeking support and consultation.

Published: Dec 20, 2024
Mental health student population consultation primary education teachers
Paschalina Christidou
Vasiliki Anthopoulou
Lito Eleni Michalopoulou

A significant number of students, including primary education students, experience to some degree mental health difficulties. The prevention, identification, and support of such difficulties within the school context is deemed critical as the school is typically the first and only place in which children receive support. Teachers can play an important role in promoting student mental health, but they may also feel that they need additional support in this role. The purpose of the current study was to examine how teachers’ attitudes and perceptions regarding students’ mental health difficulties may impact their support-seeking behaviors, that is seeking consultation services and collaborating with school-based mental health professionals (e.g., psychologists). Primary education teachers in Western Thessaloniki (N = 124) completed an online questionnaire comprised of demographic questions, scales measuring teachers’ perceived competence, perceived responsibility, and negative emotions toward students’ mental health as well as three implementation outcome scales measuring school-based consultation’s acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility. Regression analyses indicated that a high sense of perceived responsibility positively predicted teachers’ decision to engage in consultation and, therefore, teachers with a higher sense of perceived responsibility were more likely to use this psychological service. Furthermore, the appropriateness and acceptability of this service in the school context did not appear to predict teachers’ intention to seek it. Results are presented within the context of the broader published literature. Implications for future research and practice are presented.

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