Playing with mosaic tiles in the kindergarten

Published: Dec 13, 2016
playing art mosaic tiles high-scope art approach
Eleni Rachanioti
Margarita Rompou

Playing is the dominant activity of the child, especially in early childhood. Art also constitutes an integral part of the human existence and a key factor in child development. Additionally, contact with art helps students to develop in a complete way, gain sensitivity, develop the ability to learn, exercise critical thinking as well as cultivate creativity. The "high scope art approach", which we adopted in the implementation of our teaching scenario "Playing with mosaic tiles in the kindergarten", promotes art, with the use of playing as a "vehicle". The activity itself constitutes an alternative of art education at school, with the general aim of personal fulfillment through art, freedom of expression and the student’s personal development not only as a creator but as a sensitive observer of the environment.

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