It could be me – it could be you

Published: Dec 12, 2017
a Drama in Education programme Theatre as Education teacher training refugees experiential activities
Athanasia Choleva
“It could be me – it could be you” is an awareness raising project, aiming at the educational community; it focuses on human rights and refugee related issues, which are tackled through experiential learning activities, theatre techniques, as well as educational drama tools. The project is an outcome of the collaboration between the Greek office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network (TENet-Gr), the latter being responsible for the designing of the project. It was first implemented in 2015 and to this day it has a presence in many Greek cities. This article presents its theoretical framework, the seven main axes of activities it includes, some qualitative and quantitative elements, as well as an introductory evaluation to the project as a whole, to this day.
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Author Biography
Athanasia Choleva, Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network

BA in Theatre, School of Fine Arts, Aristotelion University of Thessaloniki

MA in Applied Drama, Drama dpt, School of Performance Arts, Exeter, UK

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