Teachers' values: Perceptions of democracy and its institutions

Published: Dec 13, 2018
Teachers democracy institutions
Χριστίνα Ζήση
Παναγιώτης Γιαβρίμης

In international literature, values are referred to as an explicit or implicit concept, which is associated with distinctive features of individuals and groups and affects their choices. The aim of this research was to investigate the perceptions held by compulsory education teachers working on Lesvos Island regarding democracy and institutions in Greece. The sample of the research consisted of 400 compulsory education teachers. Of the total number of participants, 119 teachers were males and 281 females. The results of the research revealed that the teachers possess democratic values and principles and consider democracy to be the best regime, but are disappointed with the way it works in Greece today. All institutions related to the functioning of democracy were significantly challenged, while the extent to which public bodies were questioned did not lead to disdain. The results of this research highlight the need to investigate the impact of teacher's values regarding democracy and institutions upon the political socialization of students.

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