Evaluating 2D and 3D serious games: The significance of student-player characteristics

Published: Dec 17, 2019
2D game 3D game mental rotation playing experience spatial cognition user experience quantitative approach
Polyxeni Kaimara
Emmanuel Fokides
Andreas Oikonomou
Penelope Atsikpasi
Ioannis Deliyannis

Serious games are gaining ground in all educational levels. Important aspects of their implementation in education are related to their features, their relevance to pedagogy and the learners' views. This quantitative research focused on characteristics of pedagogical departments’ students (gender, scientific background, prior gaming and ICT skills) and factors are considered to affect and shape their learning experience when playing 2D and 3D serious games (immersion, enjoyment, perceived usefulness-knowledge improvement, perceived narratives' adequacy, perceived realism, perceived feedback's adequacy, perceived audiovisual adequacy, perceived relevance to personal interests, perceived goal's clarity, perceived ease of use, adequacy of the learning material and motivation). A total of 542 university students participated in the study. The data analysis revealed that they preferred the 2D game. Their gender, scientific background and ICT skills did not have an impact on their views. On the other hand, students with high game-playing competence seem to have a better learning experience, as their scores in most of the factors were higher compared to the ones with lower game-playing competence. Those results led us to consider other aspects of learners beyond ordinary demographics such as self-regulation, spatial cognition and mental rotation and to examine the evidence that serious games can improve these skills.

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Author Biographies
Polyxeni Kaimara, Ionian University

Department of Audiovisual Arts, Corfu

Ph.D. Candidate

Emmanuel Fokides, University of the Aegean

Department of Primary Education, Rhodes

Assistant professor

Andreas Oikonomou, School of Pedagogical and Technological Education, Thessaloniki
Associate Professor
Penelope Atsikpasi, University of the Aegean

Department of Primary Education, Rhodes

Ph.D. Candidate

Ioannis Deliyannis, Ionian University

Department of Audiovisual Arts, Corfu

Assistant professor

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