Teachers and students' perspectives on film education

Published: Feb 15, 2021
film education perceptions public pedagogy teachers students
Φωτεινή Αγοραστούδη-Βλάχου
Ιωάννα Μπίμπου-Νάκου
Film education as part of formal education has yet to be developed, even though there is significant research regarding children's relation with movies. The current study is based on cultural studies and public pedagogy and aims at exploring teachers' and pre-service students' perspectives regarding film education. Three focus groups convened and discussed film education as a possibility of being part of primary education in classroom contexts. The participants' conversations were analyzed by the use of thematic analysis. All participants articulated that film viewing and film production form an intriguing possibility as a curriculum module, engaging students through cinematic art and enriching formal teaching instruction. The film has been discussed both as an art form and as a medium that connects films with curriculum modules' learning objectives. Film education can stimulate a creative and dialogical form of knowing, within the school contexts, along with the awareness raising of critical consciousness. The strengths and difficulties of film education in the school context are discussed.
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