Toward an holistic approach of Differentiated Instruction: Preschool Teachers' perceptions and Practices

Published: Dec 22, 2020
Differentiated Instruction Preschool teachers Τeachers’ perception and practices Holistic approach of differentiated instruction Reflective practices
Μαρία Σφυρόερα

In the first part of the present paper, we seek a) to redefine differentiated instruction on a theoretical ground by including it in a holistic educational approach, and b) to investigate the prerequisites for the implementation of differentiated instruction practices by reviewing relevant research on teachers’ perceptions of differentiation as well as research on attempts to use it in the classroom and particularly their limits and difficulties.

In the second part, based on the theoretical background, we focus on preschool education and we try: a) to analyze both preschool teachers’ perceptions about differentiated instruction and the differentiated practices they claim to use in their preschool classrooms drawing data from 100 questionnaires and b) to present perceptions, practices and reflections of 9 preschool teachers in their attempt to implement differentiated instruction in their classrooms.

Results shows that although differentiated instruction is gaining ground in teachers’ speech and that teachers recognize its role in creating a meaningful learning environment and in providing educational opportunities for all students, the concept of ‘differentiated instruction’ still remains unclear and is accompanied by several misunderstandings and ambiguity.

In order to implement differentiated instruction as part of a “holistic” educational approach, teachers have to turn into reflective practitioners, to work critically on their personal educational experiences, to participate in long term training programs and to create communities of learning and practice.

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