Application of Makarenko's pedagogical proposal in the education of unaccompanied minor refugees

Published: Jun 2, 2021
Developing physical learning environment flexibility cooperative learning educational process active learning
Αντώνιος Βεντούρης
Παντελής Κουτσιανάς
Αλεξάνδρα Καδόγλου
Παύλος Αράπογλου
Βασιλική Καβαρινού

The aim of the present paper is to propose a pedagogical-educational program based on Anton Semyonovich Makarenko’s theory. This proposal consists a response to the socio-educational problem presented in Greece, over the last few years, with the arrival of numerous unaccompanied refugee and migrant minors. These minors are placed in various reception facilities or live wandering around the regions of Greece, mostly urban centers, having limited access to education. These conditions foreshadow a negative perspective for those minors, to the point that, as the High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi states, these children are risking to end in a “lost generation”. Such a situation presents many similarities to the conditions observed in the early years of Soviet Union after 1917, when over 7 million children were homeless without any kind of adult supervision and without any access to education. The similarities of these two cases in the social level became the motive for the development of an education proposal, based on the pedagogical paradigm of Anton Makarenko. More precisely, in this article we analyze the pedagogical and teaching methodology basis of the proposal. We also present its objectives and basic axes, outlining the implementation methodology in the Greek environment.

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