The use of drama in education in the history lesson: Myrtis travels us from the plague of Athens to the pandemic of today

Published: Nov 18, 2021
Myrtis school history drama in education pandemic plague of Athens
Μανώλης Ι. Παπαγρηγοράκης
Δημήτρης Δημητριάδης
Ευαγγελία Γαλανάκη
Ευθυμία Γουργιώτου
 Άγγελος Τόσκας
Miao Bin
Σοφοκλής Σωτηρίου
Μαρία Μικεδάκη
This article proposes and describesan educational scenario for 4th, 7th and 10th grade schoolhistory. The main goal of this scenario is to help students understand the historical dimension of the phenomenon of the pandemic and to develop critical thinking towards it, in order to enhance their mental resilience. The main historical character of this scenario is Myrtis. The use of drama in education techniques is proposed as the main teaching method for the scenario's implementation. The title of the educational scenario is the following: «Travelling with Myrtis from the plague of Ancient Athens to the pandemic of covid-19». In the scenario, students travel to the plague of Ancient Athens through an imaginary journey to the past with Myrtis. After traveling through the pandemics of different historical periods (plague, smallpox, cholera), they arrive at their experience of the pandemic in the present. The design was based on the theory of the educational scenario.
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Author Biographies
Μανώλης Ι. Παπαγρηγοράκης, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Assistant Professor in Orthodontics
Δημήτρης Δημητριάδης, Panteios University
PhD in history didactics
Ευαγγελία Γαλανάκη, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Professor of Developmental Psychology
Ευθυμία Γουργιώτου, University of Crete
Associate Professor, Department of Preschool Education
 Άγγελος Τόσκας, YOU. AD Teaching Pathology Clinic, GNA "Laiko"
NSS Director. AD Teaching Pathology Clinic, GNA "Laiko"
Miao Bin, School of Chengdu University, University of Peloponnese

Drama teacher of the Affiliated Elementary School of Chengdu University

PhD candidate of Department of Theatre Studies, University of Peloponnese
Σοφοκλής Σωτηρίου, Ellinogermaniki Agogi (Greek German Education)
Head of Research and Development Greek-German Education
Μαρία Μικεδάκη, University of Peloponnese
Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre Studies
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