Types of parental supervision in preschool children's internet use: an empirical study

Published: Dec 20, 2023
motivation parenting style internet access preschoolers
Αναστασία Κασιμίδου

New technologies are increasingly used throughout the Greek and worldwide reality and have spread to younger ages such as the preschool age group. The present research aims to investigate the use of electronic devices by preschool aged children as well as the style of parental supervision (parental warmth and parental control) that is being exercised. A tested and reliable questionnaire was used on 149 parents of children aged 3 to 6 years old. The results indicated that the main motives of the parents for the above-mentioned use is entertainment, education and familiarization with new technologies. The parents demonstrate almost equal parental warmth and parental control in their supervision of the electronic devices. The group of the balanced parents outnumbers the group of the authoritative, the permissive and the laissez-faire parents. The group of authoritarian parents does not come up at all in the present study in contrast to other research studies in European countries. In relation to the children’s demographic characteristics, boys and children aged 4 to 4.5 years appeared to be more controlled and supported by their parents. Furthermore, the more the children in a family, the less supervision in being exercised by the parents.  

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