With the child's voice: socio/linguistic representations of children's language in children's and youth literature texts

Published: Oct 31, 2023
children's discourse fiction representations childishness self-storytelling narrator\ internal focus linguistic expression
Δημήτρης Εμμανουήλ Κόκκινος
Μαριάνθη Οικονομάκου

The study explores the constructions of childishness in texts of children's and young adult literature. It focuses on the specific features of children's discourse as they are usually displayed in narrative and dialogue sections through the grammatical, lexical, and stylistic choices of the authors. It thus identifies and interprets elements that characterise children's expression, always through the eyes of the adults’ writers, and examines the communicative and narrative strategies they develop in the course of their actions.  The extraction and processing of linguistic data from different literary sources aims to outline - through literary discourse - the world of children when expressing thoughts and feelings or interacting in their everyday lives. For this reason, the principles of Systemic Functional Grammar, as articulated by MAK Halliday, are adopted as the methodological framework of the study. Systemic Functional Grammar is oriented towards the function of linguistic elements and interprets language as a system of meanings. Our aim is to identify which linguistic means children use to describe their reality and to build their interpersonal relationships. The interpretation of linguistic data is of particular interest because it helps to determine how children are represented in literary discourse.  We can thus investigate which social characteristics are attributed to them and how their behavior is defined, in order to clarify any stereotyped perceptions formed about their actions in the literary texts analyzed. This interpretative attempt draws plausible scientific data from the field of both literary studies and Sociolinguistics. It is therefore an interdisciplinary approach that can provide a basis for subsequent research, even though it is based on a small corpus of literary texts. A more substantial understanding of the way in which authentic, spontaneous and creative children's discourse is composed in literature offers valuable decoding tools for the readers. At the same time, similar studies can also be used in the educational setting by providing didactic resources to teachers when introducing literature in primary education schools. 

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