A case study on preschool children’s preferences of and perspectives on their male and female early childhood educator

Published: Oct 20, 2023
Μale educators female educators children’s and parental perspectives early childhood education and care Mosaic approach
Konstantina Rentzou

Purpose of the study: The present case study aimed at exploring preschool children’s perspectives on if and how early childhood educators’ gender shapes the way they view their educators’ pedagogical role and the extent to which children show a preference to an educator based on his/her gender. Similarities and differences between boy’s and girls’ perceptions about their educators’ role were also explored. On the other hand, the study aimed at exploring whether children manifest different attitudes towards their educators at home. Method: Data from eight preschool-aged children were collected through children’s drawings, photographs, and conversational interviews. Five parents also completed an online questionnaire with open-ended questions. Results, Implications & conclusions: The study revealed that children assign a playful role to the male educator and an educational role to the female educator. Both children’s and parent’s data indicate that the existence of a male educator meets children’s, and especially boys’, desire or need for a male figure in the feminized ECEC sector. In addition, the study accentuates the need to listen to children’s voices for all issues affecting them, as well as to adopt a variety of methods to create diversified perspectives.

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