Design and implementation of a sexual education program for adolescents with autism spectrum disorders to reduce unwanted behaviors

Published: Dec 20, 2023
adolescents autism spectrum disorder (ASD) intervention program sexual education sexual knowledge
Ασημίνα Τσιμπιδάκη
Ευαγγελία Γλαβά

Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face a variety of difficulties related to their sexual development and exploration. Adolescence for young people with ASD is the starting point for the emergence of new, socially unacceptable behaviors that further complicate their daily lives, making it necessary to provide them with sexual education. Research on the sexual education of adolescents with ASD has highlighted their lack of education and their limited experience, which lead to the emergence of behaviors that are not desirable or socially acceptable. The present study, which constitutes a pilot study, addresses the design, implementation, and evaluation of an educational intervention program for adolescents with ASD. The intervention program aimed to develop sexual knowledge and improve the sexual behavior of adolescents with ASD. The sample consisted of 20 adolescents with a formal diagnosis of ASD. Data collection was based on participatory observation and an informal evaluation designed for the needs of the program. Data analysis followed a mixed-methods design (both qualitative and quantitative). According to the findings, the program improved adolescents’ sexuality  knowledge and reduced the occurrence of unwanted behaviors. In addition, through the program, the adolescents distinguished between the terms private and public space, limited their sexual behaviors, especially in their private space, and, at the same time, started to consistently adhere to hygiene rules. The project re-emphasized the importance of implementing effective sexuality education programs for people with ASD.

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